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Command post exercise at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

On May 25-26, 2023 the command post exercise “The action of the headquarters and the formation of Civil Protection in the face of threats and emergencies (fire, earthquakes)” was held at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the Civil Protection Plan. The exercise was carried out in two stages with consistent development of issues in organizing the management of activities in the event of a threat of an emergency and development of issues of comprehensive support for rescue and emergency operations.

During the command post exercise the following training questions were worked out:

  1. Notification and collection of management staff;
  2. Preparation and deployment of the control center;
  3. Refinement of the Civil Protection Plan in peacetime;
  4. Checking the degree of readiness of the Civil Protection;
  5. Threat of fire;
  6. Actions of personnel during an earthquake.

All educational issues have been worked out in full, the goal of the command post exercise has been achieved.

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