Chronology of development
- 1921–1927
- The first National Geological Survey of the Talas Chain and western part of the Kirghiz Chain as well as geological survey of the Turkestan Chain were implemented
- The deposits of antimony (Kadamzhai) and mercury (Haidarkan) were discovered
- In the period from 1924 to 1926 the investigation of radium ore was performed in the south of Kirghizia. The production of radium was initiated for the first time in the USSR
- Investigation of the ancient monuments of the Chui Valley and the Issyk-Kul Basin, the Manas’s Gumbez and the Burana Tower was implemented
- 1928–1933
- The Local History Research Institute was established under the National Museum, the Soil Sciences and Botany Bureau and the Seismic Station
- The exploration outputs of the teams of the Pamir and the Tajik-Pamir Expeditions of the AS USSR, which covered the geological structure of the territories of a number of the republican’s regions, were published
- xploration of coal fields of Kirghizia was carried out; thus, initiating the coal production in Kyzyl-Kiya, Sulyukta, Kok-Yangak and Tash-Kumyr
- The investigation of the resources as well as natural and social-economical conditions of the Kirghiz ASSR was performed.
- The First Conference on Investigating the Production Forces of the Kirghiz ASSR was held in Leningrad.
- The contribution was made in the theory of high-molecular weight compounds
- The brief Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary was for the first time published using the Roman alphabet
- The Kyrgyz script was transferred from the Latin to Russian graphics
- The Kyrgyz-Russian Dictionary was published (25 thousand words)
- 1947–1952
- The large-scale mercury deposit Chonkoi was found in South Kirghizia, and a mining plant was established on its basis
- The new breed of cattle – the Alatau – was raised. This work was awarded the Stalin Prize
- The geologists’ team was awarded the USSR State Prize for discovery the Kavak (Minkush) Coal Field containing rich reserves of brown coal
- The vaccine against bradsot was developed and introduced in veterinary practice
- Publication of the eleven-volume Paper Flora of the Kirghiz SSR was initiated
- 1957–1962
- The black-shale formation prospectivity for recovering a number of rare and precious metals was proved
- The Dzhetym Iron Ore Basin was found
- The Tien-Shan High-Altitude Physical and Geographical Station of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR was included into the global network of the glaciological
- The first large Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary (Academician Yudakhin K.) was published. The Dictionary became the first national-Russian dictionary that obtained wide recognition in the country and abroad
- 1963–1968
- The rare-metal and rare-earth deposit was discovered in the Aktyuz Ore Field . The gold content of the republic’s area was grounded. The first Map of Seismic Zoning of Kirghizia, which was included into the All-Union map as its element, was mounted
- The new Kyrgyz fine wool breed was raised
- The production technology of especially pure antimony that was acknowledged the international standard of purity was developed
- The methods of chemical synthesis of the compositional materials made of carbides, sulfides, oxides, etc, in the conditions of the low-voltage spark discharge in the new catalytically active liquid systems were developed
- The Science and Technology State Prize of the Kirghiz SSR was instituted
- 1969–1980
- The BKGM hydraulic drilling rig of rotary percussion action that successfully underwent the production test in the Sumsar Mine was created
- The first domestic self-propelled universal drilling unit UBA-1 was created; its pilot batch was produced and applied in construction of the Kurpsai Hydropower Station, in the Chichkan and the Kainda Open Pits as well as in rectification of the earthquake consequences in Spitak(Armenia)
- The USSR Science and Technology State Prize was awarded for the activities on developing the range of measures to prevent rock bursts in the open pits
- The large-scale introduction of the Makovsky’s Closure Automated Machine was launched in the irrigation channels of Kyrgyzstan and the CIS countries
- A series of papers on theory and practice of creating the drilling automated machines and robots to be exploited in the absence of acoustic and visual control was awarded the USSR Science and Technology State Prize.
- In 1973-1979 the process control automated system using computers was for the first time developed and applied in the Kant Cement-Slate Combine
- The Uchkoshkon Stannum-Ore Deposit was discovered with the participation of geology scientists. There was the participation in the preparing and implementing the scientific cosmic experiment Luna-24 applying the GZU LB09, which resulted in the delivery of the moon soil to the Earth from 200 cm depth
- The scientific discovery on the Phenomenon of Uranium-234 and Uranium-238 Natural Splitwas made
- The adaptogenic Food Additives Gipkos, Gipreks and Daugil used in cosmonautics and sports were developed
- In 1970-1982 the new breed of sheep – the Kyrgyz Lincoln Kirgilin – was raised
- 1981–1987
- Pilot batch of the self-contained mobile drilling unit UBA-1 was produced and applied in the construction of the Kurpsai Hydropower Station as well as in the Chichkan and the KaindaOpen Pits
- The technology for multipurpose utilization of ore minerals was developed
- The experimental solar power plant of industrial type intended for hot water supply, with 4-5 tones of water per day performance, was for the first time developed in Kyrgyzstan
- The Science and Technology State Prize was awarded for founding the theory of radio-wave propagation in mountainous environment and developing the passive reflectors
- The USSR Science and Technology State Prize was awarded for a series of papers on the Stratigraphy of Mineral Deposits
- The Chatkal Deposit of wollastonite, fireclay, porcelain stone and other nonmetallics was discovered
- The vanadium titanium-magnetite ores were found in Talas (the Manas and the Talas Regions). The prognostic availability of ore amounts approximately to 1.5 billion tones
- The scientists took part in the preparing and implementing the international cosmic experiments Vega-1 and Vega-2 to explore the surface of Venus
- The graphite deposit and copper-molybdenum ore zone were found in the Sarydzhaz Ore Field
- The created drilling drag heads were applied in the cosmic experiments Venera-13 and Venera-14 to explore the properties of Venus rock
- The constructions of the hydraulic hammer Impuls-130 with up to 1300 D impact energy and the high-performance automatic press Usta FPA-1250 were developed
- New ionic crystals were synthesized; their characteristics were entered into the Acoustic Crystals Reference Book
- The phenomenon of amid solutions’ hydrotropy used for extraction of rare-earth elements from the Ak-Tyuz ore deposit was discovered
- The theoretical framework for extracting highly dispersed gold applying the microbiological method in high-altitude conditions was developed
- The Red Book of the Kirghiz SSR was prepared and published
- 1988–1990
- A series of maps was published: The Map of Geological Formations in Kirghizia of 1:500000 scale; Tectonic Map of the Kirghiz SSR of 1:500000 scale; Geodynamic Map of the USSR and Adjacent Water Areas of 1:2500000 scale
- The International Aerospace Experiment the Tien-Shan-Intercosmos-88 with view of assessing the tectonic movements on the Toktogul Site using the GPS Systems was carried out
- The USSR Science and Technology State Prize was awarded for developing and introducing the methods of controlling mountainous pressure in the process of underground development of ore deposits
- The Scientific Council of the AS USSR acknowledged the work Holography of the Institute of Physics to be the best work of the year in the field of holographic memory
- 1993–1998
- The basis for telemetric observations was established in the Bishkek Prognostic Ground with the digital seismic stations (KNET System), and the Data Processing Center equipped with computers of «SUN-3» type was founded
- A new conception for constructing the alternating structure mechanisms that allows to create the machines of diverse technological designation was developed
- The unique Map Seismic Zoning of the Kyrgyz Republic Territory of 1:1000000 scale coupled with the explanatory note was published
- The conception of pricing and water consumption in the market economy conditions was developed, and the computer database on Kyrgyzstan water resources was created
- The mounted Map Present Glaciation of the Tien-Shan of 1:500000 scale was included in the World Snow-and-Ice Resources Atlas
- The Scientific Discovery The Phenomenon of the Stick-Slip Release of the Residual Voltage in Rocks was registered
- The experimental gas plant with helical reactor was created, and for the first time in Kyrgyzstan there was obtained the energetic gas, in laboratory environment, from the coal of the Besh-Burkhan Deposit
- The thematic maps of Kyrgyzstan of 1:500000 scale were developed and released: PlantationMap, Medicinal Plants Map and Zoogeographic Map
- The Cadastre of Kyrgyzstan Soil Genetic Pool was compiled and issued as well as Central Asian mountain soil classification was made
- The researches on developing theoretical model of chemical elements mobility in soil were implemented. The calculating methods of the competing reaction coefficients in the solubilization process of the sparingly soluble metal compounds under the impact of humus acids were suggested
- Technical conditions for humic fertilizers with the Bereke A, B, C modifications were developed
- Production of bifidum and colibacterin liquid bio-preparations was arranged, as well as their clinical trials were started
- The surgical suture material, such as silk and catgut, was developed and introduced
- The Supreme Academic Prize named after Akhunbaev I.K. was instituted
- For the first time ever in Kyrgyz history the congress of Kyrgyzstan scientists, in which the key tasks and priorities of scientific development were defined, took place
- The large-scale archeological researches were performed within the Osh-3000 National Program, as a result of which the most valuable historical data were discovered
- 1999–2004
- The unique geomonitoring system was established on the landslide slopes and the Mailuu-Suutailing pits containing radioactive waste
- The assessment of oil-and-gas content prospects was carried out in Kyrgyzstan; it showed the possibility of raw hydrocarbon reserves show in the Fergana, the Issyk-Kul and the NarynDepressions
- The production technology of synthetic diamonds and diamond instruments using the local raw hydrocarbon deposits was developed
- A unique reference database on the major environmentally hazardous objects of the mining industry was developed
- The catalogue of strong earthquakes that occurred in Central Asia from the ancient times up to 2003 and the Catalogue of the Recent Ruptures in the South-Western Part of the Kyrgyz Tien-Shan were compiled
- The stationary seasonal system for agro-climatic sprinkling and the information-advice system for irrigation control used in the agricultural authority’s Farming Enterprise Tamchi
- Based on the advanced geo-information technology and the instrumental monitoring data, the assessment of the risk and real hazard of occurring any crisis and catastrophic geo-ecological accidents in the regions of uranium tailing pits location in Mailuu-Suu, Kok-Dzhangak, Minkushand other villages was carried out
- New water soluble capture enzymatic drugs of prolonged action were obtained
- The technique of obtaining safety organic fertilizers from organic, domestic and agricultural wastes using the biotechnology method was developed
- Within the Year of the 2,200th Anniversary of the Kyrgyz Statehood declared by the Presidential Edict of the Kyrgyz Republic, the integrated research program for activation and popularization of the history of the Kyrgyz statehood was developed, and a number of data on the most important historical events was prepared for publicatio
- Publication of the folklore heritage of the Kyrgyz people comprising the 30-volume El AdabiyatEdition and the 7-volume History of the Kyrgyz Literature was finished
- The implementation of the Virtual Silk Way NATO International Project was launched; the project made it possible to establish the fast-acting and efficient channel of access to the Global Internet and the European Scientific and Educational Networks
- The jubilee events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the NAS KR foundation were arranged; The International Conference on the Problems of Science and Education in the Post-Soviet Area was held within these events under the auspices of UNESCO, IAAS, AASA and IAP, as well as the IAAS visiting session was organized. In anticipation of the jubilee, one of the mountain peaks, which height reaches 4.5 thousand meters above sea level, was given the name of the 50th Anniversary of the NAS KR, as well as the news real-documental films Ascension to Noosphere and The Golden Century of Kyrgyz Science were shot
- 2005–2009
- For the first time in Kyrgyzstan the manganese deposit was discovered in the TashkumyrMining Region and a new gold-zinc mineralization was marked in the Chatkal Region
- The only in the Central Asian Region Radio-Physical Observatory for Ozone Layer State Monitoring at 80 km Altitude above the Central Asian Territory started operating
- The quantitative identification of the glaciation intensity of the mountain ranges framing the Chon-Kemin, the Chui and the Talas Valleys in order to assess the dynamic and stream-forming role of the glaciers was first implemented
- Implementation of the Integrated Scientific Program The Sustainable Development of Mountainous Regions of Kyrgyzstan was finished; the goal of this Program was the study of problems and development of the recommendations for efficient use of the natural, economical and human capacity of the mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan
- The technique of depth determination of earthquakes occurred near to seismic stations was developed
- Researches on hydropower characteristics of minor streams of Jety-Oguz region were carried out; variants of 12 micro-hydropower stations placing were worked
- Automated digital system of remote energy gathering and audit, focused on modernization of existing energy audit system of the Republic for the purpose of commercial losses reduction was developed
- Geoinformation database on landslides developing in the south of Kyrgyzstan was created
- Generalized model of information and telecommunication system of warning and monitoring of over-flow and mudflowhazard adapted to conditions of mountain and piedmont zones of Kyrgyzstan was developed
- Map of activated seismic hazard of Toktogul Storage Pond area was developed
- Assessment of petroleum potential in Kyrgyzstan (2002–2007) was carried out. Stock availability of hydrocarbon material in Fergana, Issyk-Kul and Naryn Depressions was found out
- Drilling and fender machines were developed, manufactured and handed out for practical use for hydro power station Kambarata-2 building
- Together with Chinese collaborators was initiated works on the project on exploitation of hydropower resources of Sary Djaz River
- The new approach to dynamic designing of automatic control systems was offered and on its basis synthesis algorithms of adaptive regulators of multi-dimensional systems were developed
- Map-scheme of probable seismic hazard of the Western Kyrgyzstan for the period 2008–2011 was created and handed out to the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Emergency
- Assessment of risk and possible development of slope processes on the territory of Kara-Unkur river basin was given, recommendations on landslide hazard reduction were developed
- Planning and surveying works on place selection for micro- hydropower station building in Jalal-Abad oblast were carried out
- Forecast map-scheme of modern exodynamic processes in Kara-Suu river basin was created
- The technology of nitride and silicon ceramics reception and products made of it was developed. Such products possess high strength, highly dispersed structure and capable to work in the thermo-loaded conditions
- The common algorithm of word measure and its software was developed. It is directed to computerization of Kyrgyz language learning process
- The new breed of sheep – the Kyrgyz Mountainous Merinos – was raised and tested; the breed is notable for high parameters of the produced wool
- The technology of reception of a new kind of composite fuel – agglomerate small-density biolignite fuel and lignite granules with biomass and loess soil addition as binding substance
- Fundamental scientific work Problems of highlands (on the example of Kyrgyzstan). Threats and challenges of the present time were published. The major results of researches of the NAS KR in the field of social and economic and environmental problems of Kyrgyzstan and highlands were generalized there
- Antique and Middle Ages monuments testifying about ancient civilizations of nomads and medieval Christian culture were found at the bottom of Issyk Kul Lake
- The Dungan Encyclopedia was first published
- Laboratory of hygiene and archival documents restoration was established
- 8 volumes of I.T. Aitmatov’s works were published in Kyrgyz language along with scientific comments
- The annotated list of monuments of history and culture of the city subject to the state protection was enrolled
- Historical and cultural complex Sulaiman-Too was included into the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List
- Подробности
- Автор: admin
- Просмотров : 12239