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WELCOME TO THE E. GAREEV BOTANICAL GARDEN! On May 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the address: 1a Akhunbayeva Street, an event was held for the solemn transfer of special equipment by Nomad Sport and BASHTA to the E.Z. Gareev Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

On September 17, 2023, Nomad Sport and Sports Innovations LLC held the BMW Snow Leopard Run charity international half marathon in Bishkek. Part of the funds from each entry fee was directed to help in the purchase of special equipment for the E. Z. Gareev Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. Agricultural machinery and equipment were purchased for a total amount of about 1.5 million som: an autonomous water supply station, a rotary mower, hoppers, thermal electric guns, trolleys for a tillerblock, pruners, tool kits and other equipment.


The E.Z. Gareev Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic was founded 86 years ago in March 1938.

Currently, the Scientific Research Institute of BS named after E. Gareev is part of the Department of Chemical Technology, Biomedical and Agricultural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. The general management of the Botanical Garden is carried out by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

It is one of the largest botanical gardens in Central Asia in terms of the composition of the plant collection fund – about 6,600 taxa and an area of 151 hectares.

Unique collections of living plants from different parts of the globe are collected in 4 laboratories and 1 high-altitude branch in Naryn. The greenhouse has a collection of tropical and subtropical plants – about 550 species.

Collections are the main base of scientific research in the field of plant introduction and the development of methods for their long-term maintenance in cultural conditions, an integral part of the state system of conservation and sustainable use of plant resources. They are also the mother stock for reproduction, breeding work, development of recommendations on the assortment of plants for their further use in landscaping, horticulture and fruit growing of the country, in environmental education activities.

The main directions of development of scientific activity of the E. Gareev BS Research Institute: “Conservation of biological diversity in conditions of urbanization and changing climate” meet world requirements and are relevant for current and future generations.

The E. Gareev BS Research Institute maintains scientific relations with 150 botanical institutions around the world. It plays an important role in the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the Convention on Biological Diversity, is included in the world register of Botanical Gardens and arboretums, and is a member of 6 international organizations.

The Research Institute of BS named after E. Gareev also carries out scientific and educational activities, cooperation with universities, lyceums, schools by leading educational and production practices, diploma and master’s projects, conducting lectures and excursions for students, students, tourists and the public. Conducts advisory, methodological and practical assistance, training seminars for employees of protected areas, employees of green farms in Bishkek and Chui region, farmers, private individuals on the cultivation and use of woody, shrubby, fruit, medicinal, etc. economically valuable plants on site and with departure to other regions.


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