Electronic reception

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International scientific and practical conference on the topic: “ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SAFETY AS A FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT”

On January 19–21, 2023, the Academic Consortium “International University of Kyrgyzstan”, together with the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the support of national and international organizations, organized and held an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: “ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SECURITY AS A FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE MINING DEVELOPMENT”. Dedicated to the results of the “International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022” announced by the UN General Assembly at the plenary meeting of the 76th session in resolution A/RES/76/129 of December 16, 2021.
This conference begins a series of events within the framework of the global initiative “Five Years of Action for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions” proclaimed by the resolution of the UN General Assembly at the plenary meeting of the 77th session of December 14, 2022 A/RES/77/172.
The purpose of the proclamation of the “International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development” is to attract the attention of the world’s states, international organizations and a wide range of civil society to the problems of preserving vulnerable mountain ecosystems and sustainable development of mountainous countries.
The conference was held within the framework of the announcement by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic S.N. Zhaparov 2022 “The Year of Protection of Mountain Ecosystems and Climate Resilience” in the Kyrgyz Republic.
During the conference, research materials devoted to the study of socio-economic and environmental problems of mountainous countries in line with the conceptual and global approaches, as well as specific practical solutions to problems, taking into account new global threats, were reviewed and discussed.
The conference was attended by leading scientists, representatives of educational and research institutions, legislative and executive authorities, heads of state bodies and non-governmental organizations.
As a result of the work, a resolution was adopted aimed at taking the necessary measures in the field of sustainable development of mountain regions.
The conference was also held in a hybrid format.

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