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Presentation on Humboldt Foundation Scholarship Programs for Young Scientists

On March 13, 2023 the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic was honored to host a presentation by Dr. Katja Yang, the Director of the Asia Department of the Humboldt Foundation on scholarship programs available for young scientists.
Dr. Yang discussed the various scholarship programs offered by the Humboldt Foundation which is dedicated to promoting international academic cooperation and supporting the careers of young researchers. These programs provide opportunities for scientists to conduct research in Germany and to build networks with leading researchers in their fields.
“We believe that international cooperation is essential for advancing scientific knowledge and solving global challenges,” said Dr. Yang. “Our scholarship programs are designed to support young scientists in their pursuit of excellence, and to foster collaboration across borders.”
The presentation was attended by a diverse group of scientists, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty members. Many expressed their enthusiasm for the scholarship opportunities offered by the Humboldt Foundation, which can provide funding for research projects, travel, and language courses.
The National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic is committed to promoting scientific excellence and supporting the next generation of researchers. We are proud to have hosted Dr. Yang and to have provided a forum for discussion of these important scholarship opportunities.
For more information on the Humboldt Foundation and its scholarship programs please visit website at https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/.

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