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Meeting at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic scientists from Kyrgyzstan and Turkey

On December 16, 2022, a meeting of scientists from Kyrgyzstan and Turkey was held at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. The meeting was moderated by a senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Political and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ph.D., associate professor Bayas Tural.

From the Turkish side, the Rector of the Inonu University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kizilai spoke. He said that at their university medical clinic, various donor human organs are transplanted using the most advanced technologies in the world. They plan to build an organ transplant medical center in Kyrgyzstan.

Chief Advisor to the Rector of Inonu University, Director of the Center for the Study of South Asian Culture Prof. Dr. Neslikhan Durak said that their Center conducts research into the history and culture of the Turkish-Altaic people. They have an intention to open a Center for the study of the history and culture of the entire Turkish civilization in Kyrgyzstan.

From the Kyrgyz side, a well-known Kyrgyz scientist-researcher, Scientific Director of the Scientific and Educational Society “Kyrgyz Zher” Choyun Omuraliev spoke.

There are three main areas of scientific research by Choyun Omuraliev:
1. Study of the history and philosophy of nomadic civilization, the formation and ways of further development of the Kyrgyz statehood (monographs “Tenirchilik” (Tengrianism), “Koom-Mamleket” (Society-State), “Kyrgyz mamlekettigi: keche, bugun, erten” (Kyrgyz statehood: yesterday Today Tomorrow)).
2. Development from a new point of view of panaltaism and reprinting of the vast literature of various authors, which was actually banned in the Soviet period, collected by Ch. Omuraliev over forty years of his research activities in the archives of Moscow, Kazan, Ufa, Tashkent, that is, Turkic-Altaic studies.
3. Kyrgyz-Turkic reading of Yin (ancient Chinese) writing, Chinese hieroglyphics, i.e. Turkish-Sino-Altaic. His research in this direction led to a completely new scientific discovery on a global scale: hieroglyphics and Turkish roots turned out to be one. He opened the hidden layers of ancient Chinese texts and read the Turkic words hidden in them using his own method. This is explained by the original origin of hieroglyphs from stone drawings and petroglyphs of the Altai-Turkish area.
Thus, it turns out that the creators of the so-called Chinese characters were our ancestors, the ancestors of the Kyrgyz-Turkic peoples (monographs “Burut tamga – Toron til” (Burut sign – Language of Turan), “Burut tamga – Zhandyrmak” (Burut sign – Decoding) , “Burut tamga – Bayankat” (Burut sign – Narration).

Choyun Omuraliev spoke in detail, showing slides and banners on the screen, about his current work on researching the history of 4-5 thousand years ago through the Kyrgyz-Turkic reading of the hieroglyphics of the works of the Russian orientalist I. Bichurin (1777-1853) and the historian Simya Qian (II- I century BC), the author of the grandiose work “Shiji” about the history of China from the mythical ancestors of the 2nd-3rd millennium BC. and up to modern Sima Qian times. Six volumes of works translated into Russian.

As a result of research by Choyun Omuraliev, the name of the first ancestor of the Chinese – the first legendary emperor Fu Xi (3rd millennium BC) is read as Kyrgyzkaan.
In addition, the names of other characters of that and subsequent periods of Chinese history, described in Simya Qian’s “Shiji”, are read as: Toboi, Baygur, Sayak, Tutok, Baitig, Kogoi, Kyyat, etc.

The meeting was held in an atmosphere of friendliness and complete mutual understanding.

Chairman of the Scientific and Educational

Society “Kyrgyz Zher” Edilbek Sarybaev

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