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Meeting of the Prosecutor General of the Kyrgyz Republic Zulushev K.T. with scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Prosecutor General of the Kyrgyz Republic Zulushev Kurmankul Toktoralyevich met with scientists of the Department of Social Sciences (history, philosophy, language, literature, law, economy) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 1, 2023. At the meeting the Prosecutor General shared his thoughts with the scientists about some issues in the implementation of the Constitutional reform. The forthcoming reforms were discussed comprehensively in terms of observing the rule of law in the country, implementing the orders of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in the legal direction. He expressed his gratitude for the contributions of the scientists of the NAS KR regarding implementation of the Constitutional reform and the preparation of the draft of the Criminal Law Acts, and noted that he will continue to cooperate in the future.

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