Electronic reception

+996 (312) 39-23-66;

г.Бишкек, просп. Чуй 265а


On February 3-4, 2023, in the Atyrau city of the Republic of Qazakhstan, an international scientific and practical conference was held on the topic “The Universe and the Problems of Qazakh Literary Studies”, entitled IVth reading of Kabdolov, organized by the Ministry of Education and High Education of the Republic of Qazakhstan, the Institute of Literature and Art named after M. Auezov, Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova.
The event was attended by the director of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Ch. Aitmatov of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, academician Abdyldazhan Akmataliev, and made a presentation on the topic “Academician Z. Kabdolov and Kyrgyz literature”. Zeinolla Kabdolov is a Qazakh literary critic who made a great contribution to the training of specialists in the field of Kyrgyz literature and folklore in 1994-2005. For several years he worked as a member, opponent and expert in the Dissertation Council of Kyrgyzstan.

Кыргызстандын өнүгүүсүндө илимдин орду кандай болушу керек?

Уктурууга КР Улуттук илимдер академиясынын президенти Канатбек Абдрахматов
