Electronic reception

+996 (312) 39-23-66;

г.Бишкек, просп. Чуй 265а


On February 6, 2023 at the Institute of Language and Literature named after Ch. Aitmatov of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, a meeting was held between Academician Abdyldazhan Akmataliev and the Head of the State Administration for Printing and Publishing of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Huang Yongjun. At this meeting, within the framework of a bilateral memorandum of cooperation between the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov and the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, the issue of cooperation on the project “Translation and publication of the most important books for China and Kyrgyzstan” was considered, and the importance and preparation of books for publication were discussed.

Кыргызстандын өнүгүүсүндө илимдин орду кандай болушу керек?

Уктурууга КР Улуттук илимдер академиясынын президенти Канатбек Абдрахматов
