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Meeting with participation of chairmen and scientific secretaries of divisions, heads of departments of the Presidium of the NAS KR

On March 28, 2023 a meeting was held at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic under the chairmanship of the Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, academician Ch.I. Arabaev.  Chairmen and scientific secretaries of divisions, heads of departments of the Presidium of the NAS KR took part at the meeting.

The issue of opening a master’s program at the research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic was discussed. Participants of the meeting discussed this issue and expressed their positive opinion.

Кыргызстандын өнүгүүсүндө илимдин орду кандай болушу керек?

Уктурууга КР Улуттук илимдер академиясынын президенти Канатбек Абдрахматов
