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Monitoring of hazardous natural processes in the mining regions of Kyrgyzstan

For many years, the Geopribor Scientific and Engineering Center of the Institute of Geomechanics and Mining has been monitoring dangerous natural and man-made processes at mining and hydropower facilities in Kyrgyzstan. At present, the work on monitoring landslides in Min-Kush, where ROSATOM is carrying out large-scale work on the rehabilitation of four uranium tailings inherited from the military-industrial complex of the USSR, is of particular relevance.

In May of this year, it is planned to complete the work on the elimination of the tailing facility “Taldy-Bulak”, which turned out to be in a mudflow hazardous zone and, therefore, it is transferred to a safe section of the tailing dump “Dalnee” (Fig. 1a). After that, it is planned to proceed with the liquidation of the most dangerous uranium tailing “Tuyuk-Suu” (Fig. 1a), which was located directly in the channel of the river of the same name. The main risk factor for this storage facility for radioactive waste is a large landslide with a volume of over 2 million m3, overhanging the weakly stable tailings facility.

To prevent the risk associated with landslide destruction of this uranium heritage site, a decision was made to transfer the «Tuyuk-Suu» tailing dump to a specially prepared section of the «Dalnee» tailing facility  (Fig. 1b). In order to ensure the safety of large-scale rehabilitation work to eliminate and transfer the «Tuyuk-Suu» tailing dump from a landslide-prone zone to a safe area, the «Federal Environmental Operator» of ROSATOM signed a contract with the GEOPRIBOR Scientific and Engineering Center to perform work on the arrangement of the Tuyuk-Suu landslide local monitoring system. The main purpose of these works is the manufacture and installation of monitoring instruments and equipment for organizing and conducting instrumental monitoring of displacements of the Tuyuk-Suu landslide during construction and liquidation work in order to warn workers of construction organizations involved in reclamation in advance of the threat of partial or complete unloading of the landslide that can be caused by natural and man-made factors.

At the end of March-beginning of April of the current year, the team of the Geopribor Research Center under the leadership of I.A. Torgoev completed a set of works on the Tuyuk-Suu landslide to equip the instrumental monitoring system. Cable extensometers of the type EGR-2000 (Fig. 2a), which were installed in special trenches on the lower and middle tiers of a landslide-prone slope, were used as sensors for registering displacements of landslide blocks. Landslide measurements are made using a portable device “Geotester” with the output of digital information about the displacement of landslide blocks (Fig. 2a).

Currently, the Research Center “Geopribor” provides scientific support for monitoring the Tuyuk-Suu landslide, including processing and geotechnical interpretation of the results of regular measurements of landslide displacements and groundwater level fluctuations, making predictive estimates for early warning of the threat of partial or complete landslide unloading, taking into account seismicity and abnormal weather events (showers, intense snowmelt, etc.).

In the current year, the National Research Center “Geopribor” also continues regular monitoring of the stability of rock blocks on board the dam of the Toktogul hydroelectric power station and the dam of the glacial Petrov Lake at the high-mountain Kumtor goldmine.

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