On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin opened a new era in the history of mankind. The Vostok satellite spacecraft launched into orbit under his control made the world’s first 108-minute circumnavigation of the globe. Since then, the rapid exploration of the mysterious depths of the galaxy by Earthlings has begun. Being a part of the great Soviet power, Kyrgyzstan also had a hand in the development of the global space industry.
Space is primarily a science, and our scientists have contributed to its development. So, the mentioned drilling rig is the result of the work of a group of specialists led by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Oleg Alimov. In 1976, the Luna-24 space station delivered samples of lunar soil for the first time in the Union. Alimov also participated in the preparation and conduct of unique space experiments “Venus-13”, “Venus-14”, “Vega-1”, “Vega-2” to study the surface of Venus.
The works of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of NAS Murzabek Imanaliev are widely used in practice, including in the space and military-technical industries.
Pharmacologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Arstanbek Altymyshev was awarded the S. Korolev Medal for services to cosmonautics. He received the award for the development and introduction into the practice of space medicine of phytoadaptogens — preparations of plant origin. Among his developments are hypkos hyprex, daugil, created on the basis of natural components. The Department of Pharmacology of the National Academy of Sciences, headed by the academician, has done a lot to maintain the health of astronauts in orbit.
The works of the famous academician Asylbek Aidaraliev helped to achieve success in aviation and space medicine. He took an active part in the pre-flight training of astronauts. The results of Aidaraliev’s research are summarized in his doctoral dissertation, which he defended at the Institute of Space and Aviation Medicine in Moscow. For his services, he was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Astronautics.
Young scientist Nurlan Usubaliev became one of the winners of the Roscosmos competition at the end of 2016. He received recognition for his developments in the field of advanced space technology. His research turned out to be among the best of the hundred works presented.
Our girls are not far behind the men: they are working on the construction and launch of the first satellite of Kyrgyzstan. A few years ago, the inventors united around this idea and are working hard to implement it. In 2019, NASA engineer Kamil Wardrop Alleyn visited the republic, who helps our women’s team achieve their dreams.
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