Electronic reception

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NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC B. Dzhamgerchinov Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology PRESENTATION OF BOOKS BY Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor DOSBOL NUR UULU

On April 29, 2024, the presentation of 3 books by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dosbol Nur uulu took place in the conference hall of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

        The welcoming speech was delivered by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, academician Ablabek Asankanov.

         The presentation of the books was attended by the President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, corresponding member K.E. Abdrakhmatov, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, academician, Doctor of Law, Professor Arabaev Cholponkul Isaevich.

      The ceremony was attended by former and current public figures, S. J. Saadanbekov, A. Erkebaev, J. J. Satybaldiev, M.T. Batakanov, N. K. Saralaev and other scientists, academics and historians gave their assessment of the merits of the books. At the same time, those present noted that readers who witnessed the political events described in these books will eventually divide into two groups: the first will assess the processes from their point of view, and the second will evaluate them from a scientific theoretical and methodological point of view.

     At the ceremony, Uran Kamilzhanovich Raimbekov, Director of Bishkek Thermal Network Open Joint Stock Company, presented the author with a photo album reflecting the years of work in this industry for many years of work in Bishkek Thermal Network.

    Author of the books “Kyrgyzstan during the reign of Akayev”, “Kyrgyzstan during the USSR”, “Kyrgyzstan during the reign of the Provisional Government” Dosbol Nur uulu, briefly focusing on the contents of his books, expressed his point of view and said that he was working on writing the fourth book “Kyrgyzstan during Bakiyev’s reign.” The author expressed his deep gratitude to the readers.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, academician Ablabek Asankanov wished the author success and summed up the results of the celebration.

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